Treatment for tapeworm is usually very effective and may include administering de-worming medications, according to the veterinarian's prescribed directions. It also will help if you bring a stool sample with you so testing can be performed to look for signs of the parasite. If you notice one or more of these signs, take your dog to the veterinarian for a complete physical examination. Tapeworms can be irritating to a dog's bottom, so one of the most-common signs that a dog might have this parasite is a propensity for “scooting” her rear end along the floor. If the tapeworm segments end up in your dog's stomach, she will throw up and you may see a worm in her vomit. If the worm dies and dries out before or after being passed, the segments turn yellow and hard. Often, you will see the white, rice-like pieces throughout your dog's feces or in the hair around her bottom. Signs That Your Dog May Be Dealing with a TapewormĪs the tapeworm grows, some of its segments will break off and will be eliminated from the body in the dog's feces. Each segment of the tapeworm's body looks like a grain of rice, and they can grow anywhere from four to 28 inches long. Tapeworms get their name because they have flat, segmented bodies that make it resemble a length of tape. The tapeworm's hook-like sucker mouth attaches to the walls of the dog's gut, where it will continue to feed and grow. Once inside your dog, the larvae can mature and develop into the tapeworm that people are familiar with. Tapeworms usually develop after a dog swallows a flea that's infected with the parasite's larvae.

As with any illness, the sooner you get your dog treated, the better.

While it may cause your pet to experience some uncomfortable symptoms, a tapeworm generally doesn't cause very serious problems if the issue is treated appropriately. Of all the parasites a dog can get, the tapeworm is commonly known for being one of the easiest to identify and treat. What to Do When You Think Your Dog Has a Tapeworm