Nuclear fallout shelters
Nuclear fallout shelters

nuclear fallout shelters nuclear fallout shelters

Note that due to the high density of shelters in some locations, such as downtown Milwaukee, sections of the map are blacked out. commercial, education, government, etc.Įach shelter location on the map includes the name of the shelter, the shelter address, shelter type, page location and the page grid location. Shelters can be searched by name and sorted by type, i.e. The map below contains the location of the 1,249 shelters listed in the index. In addition to information on how to interpret attack signal warning tones, what to do if you can't reach a fallout shelter and how to administer emergency care to sick and wounded individuals, there are 19 pages containing maps and an index of shelters in Milwaukee County. The 28 page family survival plan was developed by the Milwaukee County Emergency Government Council for the purpose of telling families where to go and what to do in order to obtain the best available protection from radioactive fallout which could blanket the country in case of a nuclear attack. The Februeditions of the Milwaukee Journal and Milwaukee Sentinel newspapers included a special advertising section entitled "Milwaukee County government family survival plan" (PDF). The purpose of the community shelter program was to locate, mark and stock as many fallout shelter spaces as possible. The Community Fallout Shelter Program began in September of 1961. Please review the project Methodology below to learn how the map was created. This project is intended to showcase the creation of a custom map in Tableau using an archival map. Milwaukee Fallout Shelters About this Project

Nuclear fallout shelters